Kaufen Sie unsere Mühlen nicht mehr30/05/2022
Wir produzieren ein reines, mineral- und nährstoffreiches Salz, das in der unberührten Kalahari-Wüste gewonnen wird. Und wir möchten, dass Sie weniger bei uns kaufen. Ja, Sie haben richtig gehört, aber verstehen Sie uns nicht falsch. Wir lieben unsere Mühlen, die Langlebigkeit der hochwertigen Keramikmahlwerke (sie lassen sich bis zu 10 Mal oder öfter nachfüllen), wir […]
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The Soul Of Salt05/11/2021
There’s a little-known story behind the Oryx Desert Salt symbol, one that’s steeped in mystery, history and myth. Oryx Desert Salt isn’t just a wonderful ingredient in your kitchen, it also has symbolic relevance that we think [...]
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Every Day Is Earth Day17/09/2021
The earth we live on is there for us every single day. No exceptions. She provides us with resources, fuel, power, food, shelter, clothes, the air we breathe, the water we drink – everything we need to live – and not just live, but thrive! Not only does the Earth provide for our physical needs, […]
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How !Xaus Lodge Began22/03/2021
In May 2002 the *Khomani San and Mier communities reached an historic land settlement agreement with the government of South Africa and South African National Parks (SANParks) which restored a large tract of land to the communities that had once roamed or farmed this area [...]
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Bitte reiche das Salz weiter04/10/2020
Es gibt einen Grund dafür, dass wir spezielle Geschmacksknospen in unserem Mund haben, die empfindlich auf den Salzgeschmack reagieren. Das liegt daran, dass wir Salz wirklich brauchen! Es ist lebenswichtig für unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden, weshalb es das Natürlichste der Welt ist, nach Salz zu suchen.
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Please Pass The Salt04/10/2020
We’re hardwired to crave salt for one reason only – we need it to survive. It’s an essential nutrient and we need it for regulating fluids in our bodies, blood pressure and for creating nerve impulses. However, adding salt to your food does a whole lot more than [...]
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Stop Buying Our Grinders03/06/2020
Yes, you heard that right, but don’t get us wrong. We love our grinders, the way the high quality ceramic grinder heads are built to last (refill up to 10 or more times), we like how good-looking our glass bottles stay (labels printed directly on the glass so no peeling, scruffy paper labels) [...]
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The Gift of Salt19/12/2019
Giving a bag of salt has a long tradition, from giving salt as a house-warming present to gifting a newly married couple to wish them abundance and prosperity. Apart from its practical use, salt carries great symbolic value as a gift. Giving salt signifies trust between you [...]
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Celebrating The Braai04/10/2019
We believe in freedom. Like having the freedom to choose products that are truly free of artificial ingredients and chemicals that were never meant to be consumed by humans. The whole Oryx Desert Salt range is [...]
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Oryx On The Go18/11/2018
We work hard to be innovative when it comes to creating packaging for our desert salt, harvested in the pristine Kalahari Desert from underground streams millions of years old. There’s a wide range of packaging [...]
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The Braai Salt18/10/2018
Well over a year ago, we decided we wanted to produce a salt that contributes to the happiest and friendliest of our national food heritages: the braai. And so the Oryx Braai salt came about. We asked Jackie Cameron, a top [...]
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We’ve Got Chemistry!18/10/2016
THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH SALT In relationships of all kinds – romantic and otherwise – when things aren’t working out, we say the chemistry’s wrong. And when the chemistry’s off, when there’s too much of this [...]
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Bath Salts18/07/2016
It’s the season for inwardness, the time when in nature, nothing seems to be going on and everything seems dead and lifeless. But under the surface, there’s so much happening! There’s vigorous creativity and growth going on beneath the soil, in seeds, bulbs and in the trunks and branches of trees.
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